So now I have this thing called a "blog" - something most of you probably know about, but for a tank maker that left school at 15 to learn my trade it is a bit of a foreign thing; bare with me whilst I learn...
My wife says to me all the time about how simple computer stuff is: "You do it all the time". Yeah, right, but I do what I know how to do and this is not really it. When I asked her about this blogging thing her example was "how to prune your celery" - she's no green thumb!
Further discussions resulted in us discussing how I knew how to use a computer so this was the same - I related that to her knowing how to drive so maybe I put her in the semi with the 18 speed road ranger and me showing/telling her how to drive it - it's just driving after all!
So - this is the start of my blog.
I do intend to keep at it with any tips that come my way, information that may be of interest and delving into some important issues that may arise from time to time.
Stay tuned.